The challenge

To keep things simple, we'll measure the acceleration only in the X axis while the board remains horizontal. That way we won't have to deal with subtracting that fictitious 1g we observed before which would be hard because that 1g could have X Y Z components depending on how the board is oriented.

Here's what the punch-o-meter must do:

  • By default, the app is not "observing" the acceleration of the board.
  • When a significant X acceleration is detected (i.e. the acceleration goes above some threshold), the app should start a new measurement.
  • During that measurement interval, the app should keep track of the maximum acceleration observed
  • After the measurement interval ends, the app must report the maximum acceleration observed. You can report the value using the rprintln! macro.

Give it a try and let me know how hard you can punch ;-).

NOTE There is an additional API that should be useful for this task that we haven't discussed yet: the set_accel_scale one which you need to measure high g values.