Spooky action at a distance

OUT is not the only register that can control the pins of Port E. The OUTSET register also lets you change the value of the pins, as can OUTCLR. However, ODRSET and OUTCLR don't let you retrieve the current output status of Port E.

OUTSET is documented in:

Subsection OUTSET - Page 145

Let's look at below program. The key to this program is fn print_out. This function prints the current value in OUT to the RTT console (examples/spooky.rs):


use core::ptr;

use registers::{entry, rprintln};

// Print the current contents of P0.OUT
fn print_out() {
    const P0_OUT: u32 = 0x5000_0504;

    let out = unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(P0_OUT as *const u32) };

    rprintln!("P0.OUT = {:#08x}", out);

fn main() -> ! {

    unsafe {
        // A bunch of magic addresses!
        const P0_OUTSET: u32 = 0x5000_0508;
        const P0_OUTCLR: u32 = 0x5000_050C;

        // Print the initial contents of OUT

        // Turn on the top LED row
        ptr::write_volatile(P0_OUTSET as *mut u32, 1 << 21);

        // Turn on the bottom LED row
        ptr::write_volatile(P0_OUTSET as *mut u32, 1 << 19);

        // Turn off the top LED row
        ptr::write_volatile(P0_OUTCLR as *mut u32, 1 << 21);

        // Turn off the bottom LED row
        ptr::write_volatile(P0_OUTCLR as *mut u32, 1 << 19);

    loop {}

You'll see this if you run this program:

$ cargo embed
# cargo-embed's console
15:13:24.055: P0.OUT = 0x000000
15:13:24.055: P0.OUT = 0x200000
15:13:24.055: P0.OUT = 0x280000
15:13:24.055: P0.OUT = 0x080000
15:13:24.055: P0.OUT = 0x000000

Side effects! Although we are reading the same address multiple times without actually modifying it, we still see its value change every time OUTSET or OUTCLR is written to.