Verify the installation

Let's verify that all the tools were installed correctly.

Verifying cargo-embed

First, connect the micro:bit to your Computer using a USB cable.

At least an orange LED right next to the USB port of the micro:bit should light up. Furthermore, if you have never flashed another program on to your micro:bit, the default program the micro:bit ships with should start blinking the red LEDs on its back: you can ignore them, or you can play with the demo app.

Now let's see if probe-rs, and by extensions cargo-embed can see your micro:bit. You can do this by running the following command:

$ probe-rs list
The following debug probes were found:
[0]: BBC micro:bit CMSIS-DAP -- 0d28:0204:990636020005282030f57fa14252d446000000006e052820 (CMSIS-DAP)

Or if you want more information about the micro:bits debug capabilities then you can run:

$ probe-rs info
Probing target via JTAG

Error identifying target using protocol JTAG: The probe does not support the JTAG protocol.

Probing target via SWD

ARM Chip with debug port Default:
Debug Port: DPv1, DP Designer: ARM Ltd
├── 0 MemoryAP
│   └── ROM Table (Class 1), Designer: Nordic VLSI ASA
│       ├── Cortex-M4 SCS   (Generic IP component)
│       │   └── CPUID
│       │       ├── IMPLEMENTER: ARM Ltd
│       │       ├── VARIANT: 0
│       │       ├── PARTNO: Cortex-M4
│       │       └── REVISION: 1
│       ├── Cortex-M3 DWT   (Generic IP component)
│       ├── Cortex-M3 FBP   (Generic IP component)
│       ├── Cortex-M3 ITM   (Generic IP component)
│       ├── Cortex-M4 TPIU  (Coresight Component)
│       └── Cortex-M4 ETM   (Coresight Component)
└── 1 Unknown AP (Designer: Nordic VLSI ASA, Class: Undefined, Type: 0x0, Variant: 0x0, Revision: 0x0)

Debugging RISC-V targets over SWD is not supported. For these targets, JTAG is the only supported protocol. RISC-V specific information cannot be printed.
Debugging Xtensa targets over SWD is not supported. For these targets, JTAG is the only supported protocol. Xtensa specific information cannot be printed.

Next, make sure you are in src/03-setup of this book's source code. Then run these commands:

$ rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf
$ cargo embed --target thumbv7em-none-eabihf

If everything works correctly cargo-embed should first compile the small example program in this directory, then flash it and finally open a nice text based user interface that prints Hello World.

(If it does not, check out general troubleshooting instructions.)

This output is coming from the small Rust program you just flashed on to your micro:bit. Everything is working properly and you can continue with the next chapters!