Game logic
First, we are going to describe the game logic. You are probably familiar with snake games, but if not, the basic idea is that the player guides a snake around a 2D grid. At any given time, there is some "food" at a random location on the grid and the goal of the game is to get the snake to "eat" as much food as possible. Each time the snake eats some food it grows in length. The player loses if the snake crashes into its own tail. In some variants of the game, the player also loses if the snake crashes into the edge of the grid, but given the small size of our grid we are going to implement a "wraparound" rule where, if the snake goes off one edge of the grid, it will continue from the opposite edge.
The game
The code in this section should go in a separate file,
, in our src
We use a Coords
struct to refer to a position on the grid. Because Coords
only contains two integers, we tell the
compiler to derive an implementation of the Copy
trait for it, so we can pass around Coords
structs without having
to worry about ownership.
We define an associated function, Coords::random
, which will give us a random position on the grid. We will use this
later to determine where to place the snake's food. To do this, we need a source of random numbers. The nRF52833 has a
random number generator (RNG) peripheral, documented at section 6.19 of the spec sheet. The HAL gives us a simple
interface to the RNG via the microbit::hal::rng::Rng
struct. However, it is a blocking interface, and the time
needed to generate one random byte of data is variable and unpredictable. We therefore define a pseudo-random
number generator (PRNG) which uses an xorshift algorithm to generate
pseudo-random u32
values that we can use to determine where to place food. The algorithm is basic and not
cryptographically secure, but it is efficient, easy to implement and good enough for our humble snake game. Our Prng
struct requires an initial seed value, which we get from the RNG peripheral.
We also need to define a few enum
s that help us manage the game's state: direction of movement, direction to turn, the
current game status and the outcome of a particular "step" in the game (ie, a single movement of the snake).
Next up we define a Snake
struct, which keeps track of the coordinates occupied by the snake and its direction of
travel. We use a queue (heapless::spsc::Queue
) to keep track of the order of coordinates and a hash set
) to allow for quick collision detection. The Snake
has methods to allow it to move.
The Game
struct keeps track of the game state. It holds a Snake
object, the current coordinates of the food, the
speed of the game (which is used to determine the time that elapses between each movement of the snake), the status of
the game (whether the game is ongoing or the player has won or lost) and the player's score.
This struct contains methods to handle each step of the game, determining the snake's next move and updating the game
state accordingly. It also contains two methods--game_matrix
and score_matrix
--that output 2D arrays of values
which can be used to display the game state or the player score on the LED matrix (as we will see later).
The main
The following code should be placed in our
mod game;
use cortex_m_rt::entry;
use microbit::{
hal::{prelude::*, Rng, Timer},
use rtt_target::rtt_init_print;
use panic_rtt_target as _;
use crate::game::{Game, GameStatus, Turn};
fn main() -> ! {
let mut board = Board::take().unwrap();
let mut timer = Timer::new(board.TIMER0);
let mut rng = Rng::new(board.RNG);
let mut game = Game::new(rng.random_u32());
let mut display = Display::new(board.display_pins);
loop {
loop { // Game loop
let image = game.game_matrix(9, 9, 9);
// The brightness values are meaningless at the moment as we haven't yet
// implemented a display capable of displaying different brightnesses timer, image, game.step_len_ms());
match game.status {
GameStatus::Ongoing => game.step(Turn::None), // Placeholder as we
// haven't implemented
// controls yet
_ => {
for _ in 0..3 {
timer.delay_ms(200u32); timer, image, 200);
display.clear(); timer, game.score_matrix(), 1000);
After initialising the board and its timer and RNG peripherals, we initialise a Game
struct and a Display
from the
In our "game loop" (which runs inside of the "main loop" we place in our main
function), we repeatedly perform the
following steps:
- Get a 5x5 array of bytes representing the grid. The
method takes three integer arguments (which should be between 0 and 9, inclusive) which will, eventually, represent how brightly the head, tail and food should be displayed. The basicDisplay
we are using at this point does not support variable brightness, so we just provide values of 9 for each (but any non-zero value would work) at this stage. - Display the matrix, for an amount of time determined by the
method. As currently implemented, this method basically provides for 1 second between steps, reducing by 200ms every time the player scores 5 points (eating 1 piece of food = 1 point), subject to a floor of 200ms. - Check the game status. If it is
(which is its initial value), run a step of the game and update the game state (including itsstatus
property). Otherwise, the game is over, so flash the current image three times, then show the player's score (represented as a number of illuminated LEDs corresponding to the score), and exit the game loop.
Our main loop just runs the game loop repeatedly, resetting the game's state after each iteration.
If you run this, you should see two LEDs illuminated halfway down the display (the snake's head in the middle and its tail to the left). You will also see another LED illuminated somewhere on the board, representing the snake's food. Approximately each second, the snake will move one space to the right.
Next we will add an ability to control the snake's movements.