Naive approach and write!

Naive approach

You probably came up with a program similar to the following:

#![no_main] #![no_std] use cortex_m_rt::entry; use rtt_target::rtt_init_print; use panic_rtt_target as _; #[cfg(feature = "v1")] use microbit::{ hal::prelude::*, hal::uart, hal::uart::{Baudrate, Parity}, }; #[cfg(feature = "v2")] use microbit::{ hal::prelude::*, hal::uarte, hal::uarte::{Baudrate, Parity}, }; #[cfg(feature = "v2")] mod serial_setup; #[cfg(feature = "v2")] use serial_setup::UartePort; #[entry] fn main() -> ! { rtt_init_print!(); let board = microbit::Board::take().unwrap(); #[cfg(feature = "v1")] let mut serial = { uart::Uart::new( board.UART0, board.uart.into(), Parity::EXCLUDED, Baudrate::BAUD115200, ) }; #[cfg(feature = "v2")] let mut serial = { let serial = uarte::Uarte::new( board.UARTE0, board.uart.into(), Parity::EXCLUDED, Baudrate::BAUD115200, ); UartePort::new(serial) }; for byte in b"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\r\n".iter() { nb::block!(serial.write(*byte)).unwrap(); } nb::block!(serial.flush()).unwrap(); loop {} }

While this is a perfectly valid implementation, at some point you might want to have all the nice perks of print! such as argument formatting and so on. If you are wondering how to do that, read on.

write! and core::fmt::Write

The core::fmt::Write trait allows us to use any struct that implements it in basically the same way as we use print! in the std world. In this case, the Uart struct from the nrf HAL does implement core::fmt::Write so we can refactor our previous program into this:

#![no_main] #![no_std] use cortex_m_rt::entry; use rtt_target::rtt_init_print; use panic_rtt_target as _; use core::fmt::Write; #[cfg(feature = "v1")] use microbit::{ hal::prelude::*, hal::uart, hal::uart::{Baudrate, Parity}, }; #[cfg(feature = "v2")] use microbit::{ hal::prelude::*, hal::uarte, hal::uarte::{Baudrate, Parity}, }; #[cfg(feature = "v2")] mod serial_setup; #[cfg(feature = "v2")] use serial_setup::UartePort; #[entry] fn main() -> ! { rtt_init_print!(); let board = microbit::Board::take().unwrap(); #[cfg(feature = "v1")] let mut serial = { uart::Uart::new( board.UART0, board.uart.into(), Parity::EXCLUDED, Baudrate::BAUD115200, ) }; #[cfg(feature = "v2")] let mut serial = { let serial = uarte::Uarte::new( board.UARTE0, board.uart.into(), Parity::EXCLUDED, Baudrate::BAUD115200, ); UartePort::new(serial) }; write!(serial, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\r\n").unwrap(); nb::block!(serial.flush()).unwrap(); loop {} }

If you were to flash this program onto your micro:bit, you'll see that it is functionally equivalent to the iterator-based program you came up with.