
Our protagonist will be controlled by the two buttons on the front of the micro:bit. Button A will turn to the (snake's) left, and button B will turn to the (snake's) right.

We will use the microbit::pac::interrupt macro to handle button presses in a concurrent way. The interrupt will be generated by the micro:bit's GPIOTE (General Purpose Input/Output Tasks and Events) peripheral.

The controls module

Code in this section should be placed in a separate file,, in our src directory.

We will need to keep track of two separate pieces of global mutable state: A reference to the GPIOTE peripheral, and a record of the selected direction to turn next.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use core::cell::RefCell; use cortex_m::interrupt::Mutex; use microbit::hal::gpiote::Gpiote; use crate::game::Turn; // ... static GPIO: Mutex<RefCell<Option<Gpiote>>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(None)); static TURN: Mutex<RefCell<Turn>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(Turn::None)); }

The data is wrapped in a RefCell to permit interior mutability. You can learn more about RefCell by reading its documentation and the relevant chapter of the Rust Book. The RefCell is, in turn, wrapped in a cortex_m::interrupt::Mutex to allow safe access. The Mutex provided by the cortex_m crate uses the concept of a critical section. Data in a Mutex can only be accessed from within a function or closure passed to cortex_m::interrupt:free, which ensures that the code in the function or closure cannot itself be interrupted.

First, we will initialise the buttons.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use cortex_m::interrupt::free; use microbit::{ board::Buttons, pac::{self, GPIOTE} }; // ... /// Initialise the buttons and enable interrupts. pub(crate) fn init_buttons(board_gpiote: GPIOTE, board_buttons: Buttons) { let gpiote = Gpiote::new(board_gpiote); let channel0 = gpiote.channel0(); channel0 .input_pin(&board_buttons.button_a.degrade()) .hi_to_lo() .enable_interrupt(); channel0.reset_events(); let channel1 = gpiote.channel1(); channel1 .input_pin(&board_buttons.button_b.degrade()) .hi_to_lo() .enable_interrupt(); channel1.reset_events(); free(move |cs| { *GPIO.borrow(cs).borrow_mut() = Some(gpiote); unsafe { pac::NVIC::unmask(pac::Interrupt::GPIOTE); } pac::NVIC::unpend(pac::Interrupt::GPIOTE); }); } }

The GPIOTE peripheral on the nRF52 has 8 "channels", each of which can be connected to a GPIO pin and configured to respond to certain events, including rising edge (transition from low to high signal) and falling edge (high to low signal). A button is a GPIO pin which has high signal when not pressed and low signal otherwise. Therefore, a button press is a falling edge.

We connect channel0 to button_a and channel1 to button_b and, in each case, tell them to generate events on a falling edge (hi_to_lo). We store a reference to our GPIOTE peripheral in the GPIO Mutex. We then unmask GPIOTE interrupts, allowing them to be propagated by the hardware, and call unpend to clear any interrupts with pending status (which may have been generated prior to the interrupts being unmasked).

Next, we write the code that handles the interrupt. We use the interrupt macro provided by microbit::pac (in the case of the v2, it is re-exported from the nrf52833_hal crate). We define a function with the same name as the interrupt we want to handle (you can see them all here) and annotate it with #[interrupt].

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use microbit::pac::interrupt; // ... #[interrupt] fn GPIOTE() { free(|cs| { if let Some(gpiote) = GPIO.borrow(cs).borrow().as_ref() { let a_pressed = gpiote.channel0().is_event_triggered(); let b_pressed = gpiote.channel1().is_event_triggered(); let turn = match (a_pressed, b_pressed) { (true, false) => Turn::Left, (false, true) => Turn::Right, _ => Turn::None }; gpiote.channel0().reset_events(); gpiote.channel1().reset_events(); *TURN.borrow(cs).borrow_mut() = turn; } }); } }

When a GPIOTE interrupt is generated, we check each button to see whether it has been pressed. If only button A has been pressed, we record that the snake should turn to the left. If only button B has been pressed, we record that the snake should turn to the right. In any other case, we record that the snake should not make any turn. The relevant turn is stored in the TURN Mutex. All of this happens within a free block, to ensure that we cannot be interrupted again while handling this interrupt.

Finally, we expose a simple function to get the next turn.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// Get the next turn (i.e., the turn corresponding to the most recently pressed button). pub fn get_turn(reset: bool) -> Turn { free(|cs| { let turn = *TURN.borrow(cs).borrow(); if reset { *TURN.borrow(cs).borrow_mut() = Turn::None } turn }) } }

This function simply returns the current value of the TURN Mutex. It takes a single boolean argument, reset. If reset is true, the value of TURN is reset, i.e., set to Turn::None.

Updating the main file

Returning to our main function, we need to add a call to init_buttons before our main loop, and in the game loop, replace our placeholder Turn::None argument to the game.step method with the value returned by get_turn.

#![no_main] #![no_std] mod game; mod control; use cortex_m_rt::entry; use microbit::{ Board, hal::{prelude::*, Rng, Timer}, display::blocking::Display }; use rtt_target::rtt_init_print; use panic_rtt_target as _; use crate::game::{Game, GameStatus}; use crate::control::{init_buttons, get_turn}; #[entry] fn main() -> ! { rtt_init_print!(); let mut board = Board::take().unwrap(); let mut timer = Timer::new(board.TIMER0); let mut rng = Rng::new(board.RNG); let mut game = Game::new(rng.random_u32()); let mut display = Display::new(board.display_pins); init_buttons(board.GPIOTE, board.buttons); loop { // Main loop loop { // Game loop let image = game.game_matrix(9, 9, 9); // The brightness values are meaningless at the moment as we haven't yet // implemented a display capable of displaying different brightnesses timer, image, game.step_len_ms()); match game.status { GameStatus::Ongoing => game.step(get_turn(true)), _ => { for _ in 0..3 { display.clear(); timer.delay_ms(200u32); timer, image, 200); } display.clear(); timer, game.score_matrix(), 1000); break } } } game.reset(); } }

Now we can control the snake using the micro:bit's buttons!