It blinks


Now we're going to take a brief look into delay abstractions provided by embedded-hal before combining this with the GPIO abstractions from the previous chapter in order to finally make an LED blink.

embedded-hal provides us with two abstractions to delay the execution of our program: DelayUs and DelayMs. Both of them essentially work the exact same way except that they accept different units for their delay function.

Inside our MCU, several so-called "timers" exist. They can do various things regarding time for us, including simply pausing the execution of our program for a fixed amount of time. A very simple delay-based program that prints something every second might for example look like this:

#![deny(unsafe_code)] #![no_main] #![no_std] use cortex_m_rt::entry; use rtt_target::{rtt_init_print, rprintln}; use panic_rtt_target as _; use microbit::board::Board; use microbit::hal::timer::Timer; use microbit::hal::prelude::*; #[entry] fn main() -> ! { rtt_init_print!(); let mut board = Board::take().unwrap(); let mut timer = Timer::new(board.TIMER0); loop { timer.delay_ms(1000u16); rprintln!("1000 ms passed"); } }

Note that we changed our panic implementation from panic_halt to panic_rtt_target here. This will require you to uncomment the two RTT lines from Cargo.toml and comment the panic-halt one out, since Rust only allows one panic implementation at a time.

In order to actually see the prints we have to change Embed.toml like this:

[default.general] # chip = "nrf52833_xxAA" # uncomment this line for micro:bit V2 # chip = "nrf51822_xxAA" # uncomment this line for micro:bit V1 [default.reset] halt_afterwards = false [default.rtt] enabled = true [default.gdb] enabled = false

And now after putting the code into src/ and another quick cargo embed (again with the same flags you used before) you should see "1000 ms passed" being sent to your console every second from your MCU.


Now we've arrived at the point where we can combine our new knowledge about GPIO and delay abstractions in order to actually make an LED on the back of the micro:bit blink. The resulting program is really just a mash-up of the one above and the one that turned an LED on in the last section and looks like this:

#![deny(unsafe_code)] #![no_main] #![no_std] use cortex_m_rt::entry; use rtt_target::{rtt_init_print, rprintln}; use panic_rtt_target as _; use microbit::board::Board; use microbit::hal::timer::Timer; use microbit::hal::prelude::*; #[entry] fn main() -> ! { rtt_init_print!(); let mut board = Board::take().unwrap(); let mut timer = Timer::new(board.TIMER0); board.display_pins.col1.set_low().unwrap(); let mut row1 = board.display_pins.row1; loop { row1.set_low().unwrap(); rprintln!("Dark!"); timer.delay_ms(1_000_u16); row1.set_high().unwrap(); rprintln!("Light!"); timer.delay_ms(1_000_u16); } }

And after putting the code into src/ and a final cargo embed (with the proper flags) you should see the LED we light up before blinking as well as a print, every time the LED changes from off to on and vice versa.