The embedonomicon
The embedonomicon walks you through the process of creating a #![no_std]
application from scratch
and through the iterative process of building architecture-specific functionality for Cortex-M
By reading this book you will learn
How to build a
application. This is much more complex than building a#![no_std]
library because the target system may not be running an OS (or you could be aiming to build an OS!) and the program could be the only process running in the target (or the first one). In that case, the program may need to be customized for the target system. -
Tricks to finely control the memory layout of a Rust program. You'll learn about linkers, linker scripts and about the Rust features that let you control a bit of the ABI of Rust programs.
A trick to implement default functionality that can be statically overridden (no runtime cost).
Target audience
This book mainly targets to two audiences:
People that wish to bootstrap bare metal support for an architecture that the ecosystem doesn't yet support (e.g. Cortex-R as of Rust 1.28), or for an architecture that Rust just gained support for (e.g. maybe Xtensa some time in the future).
People that are curious about the unusual implementation of runtime crates like
This book has been translated by generous volunteers. If you would like your translation listed here, please open a PR to add it.
This book is self contained. The reader doesn't need to be familiar with the Cortex-M architecture, nor is access to a Cortex-M microcontroller needed -- all the examples included in this book can be tested in QEMU. You will, however, need to install the following tools to run and inspect the examples in this book:
All the code in this book uses the 2018 edition. If you are not familiar with the 2018 features and idioms check the
edition guide
. -
Rust 1.31 or a newer toolchain PLUS ARM Cortex-M compilation support.
. v0.1.4 or newer. -
QEMU with support for ARM emulation. The
program must be installed on your computer. -
GDB with ARM support.
Example setup
Instructions common to all OSes
$ # Rust toolchain
$ # If you start from scratch, get rustup from
$ rustup default stable
$ # toolchain should be newer than this one
$ rustc -V
rustc 1.31.0 (abe02cefd 2018-12-04)
$ rustup target add thumbv7m-none-eabi
$ # cargo-binutils
$ cargo install cargo-binutils
$ rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
$ # arm-none-eabi-gdb
$ # you may need to run `brew tap Caskroom/tap` first
$ brew install --cask gcc-arm-embedded
$ # QEMU
$ brew install qemu
Ubuntu 16.04
$ # arm-none-eabi-gdb
$ sudo apt install gdb-arm-none-eabi
$ # QEMU
$ sudo apt install qemu-system-arm
Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian
$ # gdb-multiarch -- use `gdb-multiarch` when you wish to invoke gdb
$ sudo apt install gdb-multiarch
$ # QEMU
$ sudo apt install qemu-system-arm
arm-none-eabi-gdb. The GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain includes GDB.
Installing a toolchain bundle from ARM (optional step) (tested on Ubuntu 18.04)
- With the late 2018 switch from GCC's linker to LLD for Cortex-M microcontrollers, gcc-arm-none-eabi is no longer required. But for those wishing to use the toolchain anyway, install from here and follow the steps outlined below:
$ tar xvjf gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2018-q4-major-linux.tar.bz2
$ mv gcc-arm-none-eabi-<version_downloaded> <your_desired_path> # optional
$ export PATH=${PATH}:<path_to_arm_none_eabi_folder>/bin # add this line to .bashrc to make persistent
The smallest #![no_std]
In this section we'll write the smallest #![no_std]
program that compiles.
What does #![no_std]
is a crate level attribute that indicates that the crate will link to the core
crate instead of the std
crate, but what does this mean for applications?
The std
crate is Rust's standard library. It contains functionality that assumes that the program
will run on an operating system rather than directly on the metal. std
also assumes that the
operating system is a general purpose operating system, like the ones one would find in servers and
desktops. For this reason, std
provides a standard API over functionality one usually finds in
such operating systems: Threads, files, sockets, a filesystem, processes, etc.
On the other hand, the core
crate is a subset of the std
crate that makes zero assumptions about
the system the program will run on. As such, it provides APIs for language primitives like floats,
strings and slices, as well as APIs that expose processor features like atomic operations and SIMD
instructions. However it lacks APIs for anything that involves heap memory allocations and I/O.
For an application, std
does more than just providing a way to access OS abstractions. std
takes care of, among other things, setting up stack overflow protection, processing command line
arguments and spawning the main thread before a program's main
function is invoked. A #![no_std]
application lacks all that standard runtime, so it must initialize its own runtime, if any is
Because of these properties, a #![no_std]
application can be the first and / or the only code that
runs on a system. It can be many things that a standard Rust application can never be, for example:
- The kernel of an OS.
- Firmware.
- A bootloader.
The code
With that out of the way, we can move on to the smallest #![no_std]
program that compiles:
$ cargo new --edition 2018 --bin app
$ cd app
$ # modify so it has these contents
$ cat src/
This program contains some things that you won't see in standard Rust programs:
The #![no_std]
attribute which we have already extensively covered.
The #![no_main]
attribute which means that the program won't use the standard main
function as
its entry point. At the time of writing, Rust's main
interface makes some assumptions about the
environment the program executes in: For example, it assumes the existence of command line
arguments, so in general, it's not appropriate for #![no_std]
The #[panic_handler]
attribute. The function marked with this attribute defines the behavior of
panics, both library level panics (core::panic!
) and language level panics (out of bounds
This program doesn't produce anything useful. In fact, it will produce an empty binary.
$ # equivalent to `size target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/app`
$ cargo size --target thumbv7m-none-eabi --bin app
text data bss dec hex filename
0 0 0 0 0 app
Before linking, the crate contains the panicking symbol.
$ cargo rustc --target thumbv7m-none-eabi -- --emit=obj
$ cargo nm -- target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/deps/app-*.o | grep '[0-9]* [^N] '
00000000 T rust_begin_unwind
However, it's our starting point. In the next section, we'll build something useful. But before
continuing, let's set a default build target to avoid having to pass the --target
flag to every
Cargo invocation.
$ mkdir .cargo
$ # modify .cargo/config so it has these contents
$ cat .cargo/config
target = "thumbv7m-none-eabi"
If your configuration does not unconditionally abort on panic, which most targets for full operating
systems don't (or if your custom target does not contain
"panic-strategy": "abort"
), then you must tell Cargo to do so or add an eh_personality
which requires a nightly compiler. Here is Rust's documentation about it,
and here is some discussion about it.
In your Cargo.toml, add:
panic = "abort"
panic = "abort"
Alternatively, declare the eh_personality
function. A simple implementation that does not do
anything special when unwinding is as follows:
You will receive the error language item required, but not found: 'eh_personality'
if not
Memory layout
The next step is to ensure the program has the right memory layout so that the target system will be able to execute it. In our example, we'll be working with a virtual Cortex-M3 microcontroller: the LM3S6965. Our program will be the only process running on the device so it must also take care of initializing the device.
Background information
Cortex-M devices require a vector table to be present at the start of their code memory region. The vector table is an array of pointers; the first two pointers are required to boot the device, the rest of the pointers are related to exceptions. We'll ignore them for now.
Linkers decide the final memory layout of programs, but we can use linker scripts to have some control over it. The control granularity that linker scripts give us over the layout is at the level of sections. A section is a collection of symbols laid out in contiguous memory. Symbols, in turn, can be data (a static variable), or instructions (a Rust function).
Every symbol has a name assigned by the compiler. As of Rust 1.28 , the names that the Rust compiler
assigns to symbols are of the form: _ZN5krate6module8function17he1dfc17c86fe16daE
, which demangles to
where krate::module::function
is the path of the
function or variable and he1dfc17c86fe16da
is some sort of hash. The Rust compiler will place each
symbol into its own unique section; for example the symbol mentioned before will be placed in a
section named .text._ZN5krate6module8function17he1dfc17c86fe16daE
These compiler generated symbol and section names are not guaranteed to remain constant across different releases of the Rust compiler. However, the language lets us control symbol names and section placement via these attributes:
#[export_name = "foo"]
sets the symbol name tofoo
means: use the function or variable name (not its full path) as its symbol name.#[no_mangle] fn bar()
will produce a symbol namedbar
.#[link_section = ".bar"]
places the symbol in a section
With these attributes, we can expose a stable ABI of the program and use it in the linker script.
The Rust side
As mentioned above, for Cortex-M devices, we need to populate the first two entries of the vector table. The first one, the initial value for the stack pointer, can be populated using only the linker script. The second one, the reset vector, needs to be created in Rust code and placed correctly using the linker script.
The reset vector is a pointer into the reset handler. The reset handler is the function that the
device will execute after a system reset, or after it powers up for the first time. The reset
handler is always the first stack frame in the hardware call stack; returning from it is undefined
behavior as there's no other stack frame to return to. We can enforce that the reset handler never
returns by making it a divergent function, which is a function with signature fn(/* .. */) -> !
The hardware expects a certain format here, to which we adhere by using extern "C"
to tell the
compiler to lower the function using the C ABI, instead of the Rust ABI, which is unstable.
To refer to the reset handler and reset vector from the linker script, we need them to have a stable
symbol name so we use #[no_mangle]
. We need fine control over the location of RESET_VECTOR
, so we
place it in a known section, .vector_table.reset_vector
. The exact location of the reset handler
itself, Reset
, is not important. We just stick to the default compiler generated section.
The linker will ignore symbols with internal linkage (also known as internal symbols) while traversing
the list of input object files, so we need our two symbols to have external linkage. The only way to
make a symbol external in Rust is to make its corresponding item public (pub
) and reachable (no
private module between the item and the root of the crate).
The linker script side
A minimal linker script that places the vector table in the correct location is shown below. Let's walk through it.
$ cat link.x
/* Memory layout of the LM3S6965 microcontroller */
/* 1K = 1 KiBi = 1024 bytes */
FLASH : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 256K
RAM : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 64K
/* The entry point is the reset handler */
.vector_table ORIGIN(FLASH) :
/* First entry: initial Stack Pointer value */
/* Second entry: reset vector */
.text :
*(.text .text.*);
*(.ARM.exidx .ARM.exidx.*);
This section of the linker script describes the location and size of blocks of memory in the target.
Two memory blocks are defined: FLASH
and RAM
; they correspond to the physical memory available
in the target. The values used here correspond to the LM3S6965 microcontroller.
Here we indicate to the linker that the reset handler, whose symbol name is Reset
, is the
entry point of the program. Linkers aggressively discard unused sections. Linkers consider the
entry point and functions called from it as used so they won't discard them. Without this line,
the linker would discard the Reset
function and all subsequent functions called from it.
Linkers are lazy; they will stop looking into the input object files once they have found all the
symbols that are recursively referenced from the entry point. EXTERN
forces the linker to look
's argument even after all other referenced symbols have been found. As a rule of thumb,
if you need a symbol that's not called from the entry point to always be present in the output binary,
you should use EXTERN
in conjunction with KEEP
This part describes how sections in the input object files (also known as input sections) are to be arranged in the sections of the output object file (also known as output sections) or if they should be discarded. Here we define two output sections:
.vector_table ORIGIN(FLASH) : { /* .. */ } > FLASH
contains the vector table and is located at the start of FLASH
.text : { /* .. */ } > FLASH
contains the program subroutines and is located somewhere in FLASH
. Its start
address is not specified, but the linker will place it after the previous output section,
The output .vector_table
section contains:
/* First entry: initial Stack Pointer value */
We'll place the (call) stack at the end of RAM (the stack is full descending; it grows towards
smaller addresses) so the end address of RAM will be used as the initial Stack Pointer (SP) value.
That address is computed in the linker script itself using the information we entered for the RAM
memory block.
/* Second entry: reset vector */
Next, we use KEEP
to force the linker to insert all input sections named
right after the initial SP value. The only symbol located in that
section is RESET_VECTOR
, so this will effectively place RESET_VECTOR
second in the vector table.
The output .text
section contains:
*(.text .text.*);
This includes all the input sections named .text
and .text.*
. Note that we don't use KEEP
here to let the linker discard unused sections.
Finally, we use the special /DISCARD/
section to discard
*(.ARM.exidx .ARM.exidx.*);
input sections named .ARM.exidx.*
. These sections are related to exception handling but we are not
doing stack unwinding on panics and they take up space in Flash memory, so we just discard them.
Putting it all together
Now we can link the application. For reference, here's the complete Rust program:
We have to tweak the linker process to make it use our linker script. This is done
passing the -C link-arg
flag to rustc
. This can be done with cargo-rustc
IMPORTANT: Make sure you have the .cargo/config
file that was added at the
end of the last section before running this command.
Using the cargo-rustc
$ cargo rustc -- -C link-arg=-Tlink.x
Or you can set the rustflags in .cargo/config
and continue using the
subcommand. We'll do the latter because it better integrates with
# modify .cargo/config so it has these contents
$ cat .cargo/config
rustflags = ["-C", "link-arg=-Tlink.x"]
target = "thumbv7m-none-eabi"
The [target.thumbv7m-none-eabi]
part says that these flags will only be used
when cross compiling to that target.
Inspecting it
Now let's inspect the output binary to confirm the memory layout looks the way we want
(this requires cargo-binutils
$ cargo objdump --bin app -- -d --no-show-raw-insn
app: file format elf32-littlearm
Disassembly of section .text:
sub sp, #4
movs r0, #42
str r0, [sp]
b 0x10 <Reset+0x8> @ imm = #-2
b 0x10 <Reset+0x8> @ imm = #-4
This is the disassembly of the .text
section. We see that the reset handler, named Reset
, is
located at address 0x8
$ cargo objdump --bin app -- -s --section .vector_table
app: file format elf32-littlearm
Contents of section .vector_table:
0000 00000120 09000000 ... ....
This shows the contents of the .vector_table
section. We can see that the section starts at
address 0x0
and that the first word of the section is 0x2001_0000
(the objdump
output is in
little endian format). This is the initial SP value and matches the end address of RAM. The second
word is 0x9
; this is the thumb mode address of the reset handler. When a function is to be
executed in thumb mode the first bit of its address is set to 1.
Testing it
This program is a valid LM3S6965 program; we can execute it in a virtual microcontroller (QEMU) to test it out.
$ # this program will block
$ qemu-system-arm \
-cpu cortex-m3 \
-machine lm3s6965evb \
-gdb tcp::3333 \
-S \
-nographic \
-kernel target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/app
$ # on a different terminal
$ arm-none-eabi-gdb -q target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/app
Reading symbols from target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/app...done.
(gdb) target remote :3333
Remote debugging using :3333
Reset () at src/
8 pub unsafe extern "C" fn Reset() -> ! {
(gdb) # the SP has the initial value we programmed in the vector table
(gdb) print/x $sp
$1 = 0x20010000
(gdb) step
9 let _x = 42;
(gdb) step
12 loop {}
(gdb) # next we inspect the stack variable `_x`
(gdb) print _x
$2 = 42
(gdb) print &_x
$3 = (i32 *) 0x2000fffc
(gdb) quit
A main
We have a minimal working program now, but we need to package it in a way that the end user can build
safe programs on top of it. In this section, we'll implement a main
interface like the one standard
Rust programs use.
First, we'll convert our binary crate into a library crate:
$ mv src/ src/
And then rename it to rt
which stands for "runtime".
$ sed -i s/app/rt/ Cargo.toml
$ head -n4 Cargo.toml
edition = "2018"
name = "rt" # <-
version = "0.1.0"
The first change is to have the reset handler call an external main
$ head -n13 src/
use core::panic::PanicInfo;
pub unsafe extern "C" fn Reset() -> ! {
extern "Rust" {
fn main() -> !;
We also drop the #![no_main]
attribute as it has no effect on library crates.
There's an orthogonal question that arises at this stage: Should the
library provide a standard panicking behavior, or should it not provide a#[panic_handler]
function and leave the end user to choose the panicking behavior? This document won't delve into that question and for simplicity will leave the dummy#[panic_handler]
function in thert
crate. However, we wanted to inform the reader that there are other options.
The second change involves providing the linker script we wrote before to the application crate. The linker will search for linker scripts in the library search path (-L
) and in the directory
from which it's invoked. The application crate shouldn't need to carry around a copy of link.x
we'll have the rt
crate put the linker script in the library search path using a build script.
$ # create a file in the root of `rt` with these contents
$ cat
use std::{env, error::Error, fs::File, io::Write, path::PathBuf};
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// build directory for this crate
let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
// extend the library search path
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", out_dir.display());
// put `link.x` in the build directory
Now the user can write an application that exposes the main
symbol and link it to the rt
The rt
will take care of giving the program the right memory layout.
$ cd ..
$ cargo new --edition 2018 --bin app
$ cd app
$ # modify Cargo.toml to include the `rt` crate as a dependency
$ tail -n2 Cargo.toml
rt = { path = "../rt" }
$ # copy over the config file that sets a default target and tweaks the linker invocation
$ cp -r ../rt/.cargo .
$ # change the contents of `` to
$ cat src/
extern crate rt;
pub fn main() -> ! {
let _x = 42;
loop {}
The disassembly will be similar but will now include the user main
$ cargo objdump --bin app -- -d --no-show-raw-insn
app: file format elf32-littlearm
Disassembly of section .text:
sub sp, #4
movs r0, #42
str r0, [sp]
b 0x10 <main+0x8> @ imm = #-2
b 0x10 <main+0x8> @ imm = #-4
push {r7, lr}
mov r7, sp
bl 0x8 <main> @ imm = #-18
Making it type safe
The main
interface works, but it's easy to get it wrong. For example, the user could write main
as a non-divergent function, and they would get no compile time error and undefined behavior (the
compiler will misoptimize the program).
We can add type safety by exposing a macro to the user instead of the symbol interface. In the
crate, we can write this macro:
$ tail -n12 ../rt/src/
Then the application writers can invoke it like this:
$ cat src/
use rt::entry;
fn main() -> ! {
let _x = 42;
loop {}
Now the author will get an error if they change the signature of main
to be
non divergent function, e.g. fn()
Life before main
is looking good but it's not feature complete! Applications written against it can't use
variables or string literals because rt
's linker script doesn't define the standard
, .data
and .rodata
sections. Let's fix that!
The first step is to define these sections in the linker script:
$ # showing just a fragment of the file
$ sed -n 25,46p ../rt/link.x
.text :
*(.text .text.*);
/* NEW! */
.rodata :
*(.rodata .rodata.*);
.bss :
*(.bss .bss.*);
} > RAM
.data :
*(.data .data.*);
} > RAM
They just re-export the input sections and specify in which memory region each output section will go.
With these changes, the following program will compile:
use rt::entry;
static RODATA: &[u8] = b"Hello, world!";
static mut BSS: u8 = 0;
static mut DATA: u16 = 1;
fn main() -> ! {
let _x = RODATA;
let _y = unsafe { &BSS };
let _z = unsafe { &DATA };
loop {}
However if you run this program on real hardware and debug it, you'll observe that the static
variables BSS
and DATA
don't have the values 0
and 1
by the time main
has been reached.
Instead, these variables will have junk values. The problem is that the contents of RAM are
random after powering up the device. You won't be able to observe this effect if you run the
program in QEMU.
As things stand if your program reads any static
variable before performing a write to it then
your program has undefined behavior. Let's fix that by initializing all static
variables before
calling main
We'll need to tweak the linker script a bit more to do the RAM initialization:
$ # showing just a fragment of the file
$ sed -n 25,52p ../rt/link.x
.text :
*(.text .text.*);
/* CHANGED! */
.rodata :
*(.rodata .rodata.*);
.bss :
_sbss = .;
*(.bss .bss.*);
_ebss = .;
} > RAM
.data : AT(ADDR(.rodata) + SIZEOF(.rodata))
_sdata = .;
*(.data .data.*);
_edata = .;
} > RAM
_sidata = LOADADDR(.data);
Let's go into the details of these changes:
_sbss = .;
_ebss = .;
_sdata = .;
_edata = .;
We associate symbols to the start and end addresses of the .bss
and .data
sections, which we'll
later use from Rust code.
.data : AT(ADDR(.rodata) + SIZEOF(.rodata))
We set the Load Memory Address (LMA) of the .data
section to the end of the .rodata
section. The .data
contains static
variables with a non-zero initial value; the Virtual Memory
Address (VMA) of the .data
section is somewhere in RAM -- this is where the static
variables are
located. The initial values of those static
variables, however, must be allocated in non volatile
memory (Flash); the LMA is where in Flash those initial values are stored.
_sidata = LOADADDR(.data);
Finally, we associate a symbol to the LMA of .data
On the Rust side, we zero the .bss
section and initialize the .data
section. We can reference
the symbols we created in the linker script from the Rust code. The addresses1 of these symbols are
the boundaries of the .bss
and .data
The updated reset handler is shown below:
$ head -n32 ../rt/src/
use core::panic::PanicInfo;
use core::ptr;
pub unsafe extern "C" fn Reset() -> ! {
// NEW!
// Initialize RAM
extern "C" {
static mut _sbss: u8;
static mut _ebss: u8;
static mut _sdata: u8;
static mut _edata: u8;
static _sidata: u8;
let count = &_ebss as *const u8 as usize - &_sbss as *const u8 as usize;
ptr::write_bytes(&mut _sbss as *mut u8, 0, count);
let count = &_edata as *const u8 as usize - &_sdata as *const u8 as usize;
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(&_sidata as *const u8, &mut _sdata as *mut u8, count);
// Call user entry point
extern "Rust" {
fn main() -> !;
Now end users can directly and indirectly make use of static
variables without running into
undefined behavior!
In the code above we performed the memory initialization in a bytewise fashion. It's possible to force the
sections to be aligned to, say, 4 bytes. This fact can then be used in the Rust code to perform the initialization wordwise while omitting alignment checks. If you are interested in learning how this can be achieved check thecortex-m-rt
The fact that the addresses of the linker script symbols must be used here can be confusing and unintuitive. An elaborate explanation for this oddity can be found here.
Exception handling
During the "Memory layout" section, we decided to start out simple and leave out handling of
exceptions. In this section, we'll add support for handling them; this serves as an example of
how to achieve compile time overridable behavior in stable Rust (i.e. without relying on the
unstable #[linkage = "weak"]
attribute, which makes a symbol weak).
Background information
In a nutshell, exceptions are a mechanism the Cortex-M and other architectures provide to let applications respond to asynchronous, usually external, events. The most prominent type of exception, that most people will know, is the classical (hardware) interrupt.
The Cortex-M exception mechanism works like this: When the processor receives a signal or event associated to a type of exception, it suspends the execution of the current subroutine (by stashing the state in the call stack) and then proceeds to execute the corresponding exception handler, another subroutine, in a new stack frame. After finishing the execution of the exception handler (i.e. returning from it), the processor resumes the execution of the suspended subroutine.
The processor uses the vector table to decide what handler to execute. Each entry in the table contains a pointer to a handler, and each entry corresponds to a different exception type. For example, the second entry is the reset handler, the third entry is the NMI (Non Maskable Interrupt) handler, and so on.
As mentioned before, the processor expects the vector table to be at some specific location in memory,
and each entry in it can potentially be used by the processor at runtime. Hence, the entries must always
contain valid values. Furthermore, we want the rt
crate to be flexible so the end user can customize the
behavior of each exception handler. Finally, the vector table resides in read only memory, or rather in not
easily modified memory, so the user has to register the handler statically, rather than at runtime.
To satisfy all these constraints, we'll assign a default value to all the entries of the vector
table in the rt
crate, but make these values kind of weak to let the end user override them
at compile time.
Rust side
Let's see how all this can be implemented. For simplicity, we'll only work with the first 16 entries of the vector table; these entries are not device specific so they have the same function on any kind of Cortex-M microcontroller.
The first thing we'll do is create an array of vectors (pointers to exception handlers) in the
crate's code:
$ sed -n 56,91p ../rt/src/
Some of the entries in the vector table are reserved; the ARM documentation states that they
should be assigned the value 0
so we use a union to do exactly that. The entries that must point
to a handler make use of external functions; this is important because it lets the end user
provide the actual function definition.
Next, we define a default exception handler in the Rust code. Exceptions that have not been assigned a handler by the end user will make use of this default handler.
$ tail -n4 ../rt/src/
Linker script side
On the linker script side, we place these new exception vectors right after the reset vector.
$ sed -n 12,25p ../rt/link.x
.vector_table ORIGIN(FLASH) :
/* First entry: initial Stack Pointer value */
/* Second entry: reset vector */
/* The next 14 entries are exception vectors */
KEEP(*(.vector_table.exceptions)); /* <- NEW */
And we use PROVIDE
to give a default value to the handlers that we left undefined in rt
and the others above):
$ tail -n8 ../rt/link.x
PROVIDE(NMI = DefaultExceptionHandler);
PROVIDE(HardFault = DefaultExceptionHandler);
PROVIDE(MemManage = DefaultExceptionHandler);
PROVIDE(BusFault = DefaultExceptionHandler);
PROVIDE(UsageFault = DefaultExceptionHandler);
PROVIDE(SVCall = DefaultExceptionHandler);
PROVIDE(PendSV = DefaultExceptionHandler);
PROVIDE(SysTick = DefaultExceptionHandler);
only takes effect when the symbol to the left of the equal sign is still undefined after
inspecting all the input object files. This is the scenario where the user didn't implement the
handler for the respective exception.
Testing it
That's it! The rt
crate now has support for exception handlers. We can test it out with following
NOTE: Turns out it's hard to generate an exception in QEMU. On real hardware a read to an invalid memory address (i.e. outside of the Flash and RAM regions) would be enough but QEMU happily accepts the operation and returns zero. A trap instruction works on both QEMU and hardware but unfortunately it's not available on stable so you'll have to temporarily switch to nightly to run this and the next example.
use core::intrinsics;
use rt::entry;
fn main() -> ! {
// this executes the undefined instruction (UDF) and causes a HardFault exception
(gdb) target remote :3333
Remote debugging using :3333
Reset () at ../rt/src/
7 pub unsafe extern "C" fn Reset() -> ! {
(gdb) b DefaultExceptionHandler
Breakpoint 1 at 0xec: file ../rt/src/, line 95.
(gdb) continue
Breakpoint 1, DefaultExceptionHandler ()
at ../rt/src/
95 loop {}
(gdb) list
90 Vector { handler: SysTick },
91 ];
93 #[no_mangle]
94 pub extern "C" fn DefaultExceptionHandler() {
95 loop {}
96 }
And for completeness, here's the disassembly of the optimized version of the program:
$ cargo objdump --bin app --release -- -d --no-show-raw-insn --print-imm-hex
app: file format elf32-littlearm
Disassembly of section .text:
push {r7, lr}
mov r7, sp
movw r1, #0x0
movw r0, #0x0
movt r1, #0x2000
movt r0, #0x2000
subs r1, r1, r0
bl 0x9c <__aeabi_memclr> @ imm = #0x3e
movw r1, #0x0
movw r0, #0x0
movt r1, #0x2000
movt r0, #0x2000
subs r2, r1, r0
movw r1, #0x282
movt r1, #0x0
bl 0x84 <__aeabi_memcpy> @ imm = #0x8
bl 0x40 <main> @ imm = #-0x40
$ cargo objdump --bin app --release -- -s -j .vector_table
app: file format elf32-littlearm
Contents of section .vector_table:
0000 00000120 45000000 83000000 83000000 ... E...........
0010 83000000 83000000 83000000 00000000 ................
0020 00000000 00000000 00000000 83000000 ................
0030 00000000 00000000 83000000 83000000 ................
The vector table now resembles the results of all the code snippets in this book so far. To summarize:
- In the Inspecting it section of the earlier memory chapter, we learned
- The first entry in the vector table contains the initial value of the stack pointer.
- Objdump prints in
little endian
format, so the stack starts at0x2001_0000
. - The second entry points to address
, the Reset handler.- The address of the Reset handler can be seen in the disassembly above,
. - The first bit being set to 1 does not alter the address due to alignment requirements. Instead, it causes the function to be executed in thumb mode.
- The address of the Reset handler can be seen in the disassembly above,
- Afterwards, a pattern of addresses alternating between
is visible.- Looking at the disassembly above, it is clear that
refers to theDefaultExceptionHandler
executed in thumb mode). - Cross referencing the pattern to the vector table that was set up earlier
in this chapter (see the definition of
pub static EXCEPTIONS
) with the vector table layout for the Cortex-M, it is clear that the address of theDefaultExceptionHandler
is present each time a respective handler entry is present in the table. - In turn, it is also visible that the layout of the vector table data structure in the Rust code is aligned with all the reserved slots in the Cortex-M vector table. Hence, all reserved slots are correctly set to a value of zero.
- Looking at the disassembly above, it is clear that
Overriding a handler
To override an exception handler, the user has to provide a function whose symbol name exactly
matches the name we used in EXCEPTIONS
use core::intrinsics;
use rt::entry;
fn main() -> ! {
pub extern "C" fn HardFault() -> ! {
// do something interesting here
loop {}
You can test it in QEMU
(gdb) target remote :3333
Remote debugging using :3333
Reset () at /home/japaric/rust/embedonomicon/ci/exceptions/rt/src/
7 pub unsafe extern "C" fn Reset() -> ! {
(gdb) b HardFault
Breakpoint 1 at 0x44: file src/, line 18.
(gdb) continue
Breakpoint 1, HardFault () at src/
18 loop {}
(gdb) list
13 }
15 #[no_mangle]
16 pub extern "C" fn HardFault() -> ! {
17 // do something interesting here
18 loop {}
19 }
The program now executes the user defined HardFault
function instead of the
in the rt
Like our first attempt at a main
interface, this first implementation has the problem of having no
type safety. It's also easy to mistype the name of the exception, but that doesn't produce an error
or warning. Instead the user defined handler is simply ignored. Those problems can be fixed using a
macro like the exception!
macro defined in cortex-m-rt
v0.5.x or the
attribute in cortex-m-rt
Assembly on stable
Note: Since Rust 1.59, both inline assembly (
) and free form assembly (global_asm!
) become stable. But since it will take some time for the existing crates to catchup the change, and since it's good for us to know the other ways in history we used to deal with assembly, we will keep this chapter here.
So far we have managed to boot the device and handle interrupts without a single line of assembly. That's quite a feat! But depending on the architecture you are targeting you may need some assembly to get to this point. There are also some operations like context switching that require assembly, etc.
The problem is that both inline assembly (asm!
) and free form assembly
) are unstable, and there's no estimate for when they'll be
stabilized, so you can't use them on stable . This is not a showstopper because
there are some workarounds which we'll document here.
To motivate this section we'll tweak the HardFault
handler to provide
information about the stack frame that generated the exception.
Here's what we want to do:
Instead of letting the user directly put their HardFault
handler in the vector
table we'll make the rt
crate put a trampoline to the user-defined HardFault
handler in the vector table.
$ tail -n36 ../rt/src/
This trampoline will read the stack pointer and then call the user HardFault
handler. The trampoline will have to be written in assembly:
mrs r0, MSP
b HardFault
Due to how the ARM ABI works this sets the Main Stack Pointer (MSP) as the first
argument of the HardFault
function / routine. This MSP value also happens to
be a pointer to the registers pushed to the stack by the exception. With these
changes the user HardFault
handler must now have signature
fn(&StackedRegisters) -> !
One approach to stable assembly is to write the assembly in an external file:
$ cat ../rt/asm.s
.section .text.HardFaultTrampoline
.global HardFaultTrampoline
mrs r0, MSP
b HardFault
And use the cc
crate in the build script of the rt
crate to assemble that
file into an object file (.o
) and then into an archive (.a
$ cat ../rt/
use std::{env, error::Error, fs::File, io::Write, path::PathBuf};
use cc::Build;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// build directory for this crate
let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
// extend the library search path
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", out_dir.display());
// put `link.x` in the build directory
// assemble the `asm.s` file
Build::new().file("asm.s").compile("asm"); // <- NEW!
// rebuild if `asm.s` changed
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=asm.s"); // <- NEW!
$ tail -n2 ../rt/Cargo.toml
cc = "1.0.25"
And that's it!
We can confirm that the vector table contains a pointer to HardFaultTrampoline
by writing a very simple program.
use rt::entry;
fn main() -> ! {
loop {}
pub fn HardFault(_ef: *const u32) -> ! {
loop {}
Here's the disassembly. Look at the address of HardFaultTrampoline
$ cargo objdump --bin app --release -- -d --no-show-raw-insn --print-imm-hex
app: file format elf32-littlearm
Disassembly of section .text:
b 0x40 <HardFault> @ imm = #-0x4
b 0x42 <main> @ imm = #-0x4
push {r7, lr}
mov r7, sp
bl 0x42 <main> @ imm = #-0xa
b 0x4e <UsageFault> @ imm = #-0x4
mrs r0, msp
b 0x40 <HardFault> @ imm = #-0x18
NOTE: To make this disassembly smaller I commented out the initialization of RAM
Now look at the vector table. The 4th entry should be the address of
plus one.
$ cargo objdump --bin app --release -- -s -j .vector_table
app: file format elf32-littlearm
Contents of section .vector_table:
0000 00000120 45000000 4f000000 51000000 ... E...O...Q...
0010 4f000000 4f000000 4f000000 00000000 O...O...O.......
0020 00000000 00000000 00000000 4f000000 ............O...
0030 00000000 00000000 4f000000 4f000000 ........O...O...
/ .a
The downside of using the cc
crate is that it requires some assembler program
on the build machine. For example when targeting ARM Cortex-M the cc
uses arm-none-eabi-gcc
as the assembler.
Instead of assembling the file on the build machine we can ship a pre-assembled
file with the rt
crate. That way no assembler program is required on the build
machine. However, you would still need an assembler on the machine that packages
and publishes the crate.
There's not much difference between an assembly (.s
) file and its compiled
version: the object (.o
) file. The assembler doesn't do any optimization; it
simply chooses the right object file format for the target architecture.
Cargo provides support for bundling archives (.a
) with crates. We can package
object files into an archive using the ar
command and then bundle the archive
with the crate. In fact, this what the cc
crate does; you can see the commands
it invoked by searching for a file named output
in the target
$ grep running $(find target -name output)
running: "arm-none-eabi-gcc" "-O0" "-ffunction-sections" "-fdata-sections" "-fPIC" "-g" "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" "-mthumb" "-march=armv7-m" "-Wall" "-Wextra" "-o" "/tmp/app/target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/build/rt-6ee84e54724f2044/out/asm.o" "-c" "asm.s"
running: "ar" "crs" "/tmp/app/target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/build/rt-6ee84e54724f2044/out/libasm.a" "/home/japaric/rust-embedded/embedonomicon/ci/asm/app/target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/build/rt-6ee84e54724f2044/out/asm.o"
$ grep cargo $(find target -name output)
We'll do something similar to produce an archive.
$ # most of flags `cc` uses have no effect when assembling so we drop them
$ arm-none-eabi-as -march=armv7-m asm.s -o asm.o
$ ar crs librt.a asm.o
$ arm-none-eabi-objdump -Cd librt.a
In archive librt.a:
asm.o: file format elf32-littlearm
Disassembly of section .text.HardFaultTrampoline:
00000000 <HardFaultTrampoline>:
0: f3ef 8008 mrs r0, MSP
4: e7fe b.n 0 <HardFault>
Next we modify the build script to bundle this archive with the rt
$ cat ../rt/
use std::{
fs::{self, File},
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// build directory for this crate
let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
// extend the library search path
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", out_dir.display());
// put `link.x` in the build directory
// link to `librt.a`
fs::copy("librt.a", out_dir.join("librt.a"))?; // <- NEW!
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=rt"); // <- NEW!
// rebuild if `librt.a` changed
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=librt.a"); // <- NEW!
Now we can test this new version against the simple program from before and we'll get the same output.
$ cargo objdump --bin app --release -- -d --no-show-raw-insn --print-imm-hex
app: file format elf32-littlearm
Disassembly of section .text:
b 0x40 <HardFault> @ imm = #-0x4
b 0x42 <main> @ imm = #-0x4
push {r7, lr}
mov r7, sp
bl 0x42 <main> @ imm = #-0xa
b 0x4e <UsageFault> @ imm = #-0x4
mrs r0, msp
b 0x40 <HardFault> @ imm = #-0x18
NOTE: As before I have commented out the RAM initialization to make the disassembly smaller.
$ cargo objdump --bin app --release -- -s -j .vector_table
app: file format elf32-littlearm
Contents of section .vector_table:
0000 00000120 45000000 4f000000 51000000 ... E...O...Q...
0010 4f000000 4f000000 4f000000 00000000 O...O...O.......
0020 00000000 00000000 00000000 4f000000 ............O...
0030 00000000 00000000 4f000000 4f000000 ........O...O...
The downside of shipping pre-assembled archives is that, in the worst case scenario, you'll need to ship one build artifact for each compilation target your library supports.
Logging with symbols
This section will show you how to utilize symbols and the ELF format to achieve super cheap logging.
Arbitrary symbols
Whenever we needed a stable symbol interface between crates we have mainly used
the no_mangle
attribute and sometimes the export_name
attribute. The
attribute takes a string which becomes the name of the symbol
whereas #[no_mangle]
is basically sugar for #[export_name = <item-name>]
Turns out we are not limited to single word names; we can use arbitrary strings,
e.g. sentences, as the argument of the export_name
attribute. As least when
the output format is ELF anything that doesn't contain a null byte is fine.
Let's check that out:
$ cargo new --lib foo
$ cat foo/src/
$ ( cd foo && cargo nm --lib )
0000000000000000 r Hello, world!
0000000000000000 V __rustc_debug_gdb_scripts_section__
0000000000000000 r こんにちは
Can you see where this is going?
Here's what we'll do: we'll create one static
variable per log message but
instead of storing the messages in the variables we'll store the messages in
the variables' symbol names. What we'll log then will not be the contents of
the static
variables but their addresses.
As long as the static
variables are not zero sized each one will have a
different address. What we're doing here is effectively encoding each message
into a unique identifier, which happens to be the variable address. Some part of
the log system will have to decode this id back into the message.
Let's write some code to illustrate the idea.
In this example we'll need some way to do I/O so we'll use the
crate for that. Semihosting is a technique for having a
target device borrow the host I/O capabilities; the host here usually refers to
the machine that's debugging the target device. In our case, QEMU supports
semihosting out of the box so there's no need for a debugger. On a real device
you'll have other ways to do I/O like a serial port; we use semihosting in this
case because it's the easiest way to do I/O on QEMU.
Here's the code
use core::fmt::Write;
use cortex_m_semihosting::{debug, hio};
use rt::entry;
fn main() -> ! {
let mut hstdout = hio::hstdout().unwrap();
#[export_name = "Hello, world!"]
static A: u8 = 0;
let _ = writeln!(hstdout, "{:#x}", &A as *const u8 as usize);
#[export_name = "Goodbye"]
static B: u8 = 0;
let _ = writeln!(hstdout, "{:#x}", &B as *const u8 as usize);
loop {}
We also make use of the debug::exit
API to have the program terminate the QEMU
process. This is a convenience so we don't have to manually terminate the QEMU
And here's the dependencies
section of the Cargo.toml:
cortex-m-semihosting = "0.3.1"
rt = { path = "../rt" }
Now we can build the program
$ cargo build
To run it we'll have to add the --semihosting-config
flag to our QEMU
$ qemu-system-arm \
-cpu cortex-m3 \
-machine lm3s6965evb \
-nographic \
-semihosting-config enable=on,target=native \
-kernel target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/app
NOTE: These addresses may not be the ones you get locally because addresses of
variable are not guaranteed to remain the same when the toolchain is changed (e.g. optimizations may have improved).
Now we have two addresses printed to the console.
How do we convert these addresses into strings? The answer is in the symbol table of the ELF file.
$ cargo objdump --bin app -- -t | grep '\.rodata\s*0*1\b'
00001fe1 g .rodata 00000001 Goodbye
00001fe0 g .rodata 00000001 Hello, world!
$ # first column is the symbol address; last column is the symbol name
objdump -t
prints the symbol table. This table contains all the symbols but
we are only looking for the ones in the .rodata
section and whose size is one
byte (our variables have type u8
It's important to note that the address of the symbols will likely change when optimizing the program. Let's check that.
PROTIP You can set
to the long QEMU command from before (qemu-system-arm -cpu (..) -kernel
) in the Cargo configuration file (.cargo/conifg
) to havecargo run
use that runner to execute the output binary.
$ head -n2 .cargo/config
runner = "qemu-system-arm -cpu cortex-m3 -machine lm3s6965evb -nographic -semihosting-config enable=on,target=native -kernel"
$ cargo run --release
Running `qemu-system-arm -cpu cortex-m3 -machine lm3s6965evb -nographic -semihosting-config enable=on,target=native -kernel target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/release/app`
$ cargo objdump --bin app --release -- -t | grep '\.rodata\s*0*1\b'
00000b9d g O .rodata 00000001 Goodbye
00000b9c g O .rodata 00000001 Hello, world!
So make sure to always look for the strings in the ELF file you executed.
Of course, the process of looking up the strings in the ELF file can be automated
using a tool that parses the symbol table (.symtab
section) contained in the
ELF file. Implementing such tool is out of scope for this book and it's left as
an exercise for the reader.
Making it zero cost
Can we do better? Yes, we can!
The current implementation places the static
variables in .rodata
, which
means they occupy size in Flash even though we never use their contents. Using a
little bit of linker script magic we can make them occupy zero space in Flash.
$ cat log.x
.log 0 (INFO) : {
We'll place the static
variables in this new output .log
section. This
linker script will collect all the symbols in the .log
sections of input
object files and put them in an output .log
section. We have seen this pattern
in the Memory layout chapter.
The new bit here is the (INFO)
part; this tells the linker that this section
is a non-allocatable section. Non-allocatable sections are kept in the ELF
binary as metadata but they are not loaded onto the target device.
We also specified the start address of this output section: the 0
in .log 0 (INFO)
The other improvement we can do is switch from formatted I/O (fmt::Write
) to
binary I/O, that is send the addresses to the host as bytes rather than as
Binary serialization can be hard but we'll keep things super simple by serializing each address as a single byte. With this approach we don't have to worry about endianness or framing. The downside of this format is that a single byte can only represent up to 256 different addresses.
Let's make those changes:
use cortex_m_semihosting::{debug, hio};
use rt::entry;
fn main() -> ! {
let mut hstdout = hio::hstdout().unwrap();
#[export_name = "Hello, world!"]
#[link_section = ".log"] // <- NEW!
static A: u8 = 0;
let address = &A as *const u8 as usize as u8;
hstdout.write_all(&[address]).unwrap(); // <- CHANGED!
#[export_name = "Goodbye"]
#[link_section = ".log"] // <- NEW!
static B: u8 = 0;
let address = &B as *const u8 as usize as u8;
hstdout.write_all(&[address]).unwrap(); // <- CHANGED!
loop {}
Before you run this you'll have to append -Tlog.x
to the arguments passed to
the linker. That can be done in the Cargo configuration file.
$ cat .cargo/config
runner = "qemu-system-arm -cpu cortex-m3 -machine lm3s6965evb -nographic -semihosting-config enable=on,target=native -kernel"
rustflags = [
"-C", "link-arg=-Tlink.x",
"-C", "link-arg=-Tlog.x", # <- NEW!
target = "thumbv7m-none-eabi"
Now you can run it! Since the output now has a binary format we'll pipe it
through the xxd
command to reformat it as a hexadecimal string.
$ cargo run | xxd -p
The addresses are 0x00
and 0x01
. Let's now look at the symbol table.
$ cargo objdump --bin app -- -t | grep '\.log'
00000001 g O .log 00000001 Goodbye
00000000 g O .log 00000001 Hello, world!
There are our strings. You'll notice that their addresses now start at zero;
this is because we set a start address for the output .log
Each variable is 1 byte in size because we are using u8
as their type. If we
used something like u16
then all address would be even and we would not be
able to efficiently use all the address space (0...255
Packaging it up
You've noticed that the steps to log a string are always the same so we can refactor them into a macro that lives in its own crate. Also, we can make the logging library more reusable by abstracting the I/O part behind a trait.
$ cargo new --lib log
$ cat log/src/
Given that this library depends on the .log
section it should be its
responsibility to provide the log.x
linker script so let's make that happen.
$ mv log.x ../log/
$ cat ../log/
use std::{env, error::Error, fs::File, io::Write, path::PathBuf};
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// Put the linker script somewhere the linker can find it
let out = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR")?);
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", out.display());
Now we can refactor our application to use the log!
$ cat src/
use cortex_m_semihosting::{
hio::{self, HStdout},
use log::{log, Log};
use rt::entry;
struct Logger {
hstdout: HStdout,
impl Log for Logger {
type Error = ();
fn log(&mut self, address: u8) -> Result<(), ()> {
fn main() -> ! {
let hstdout = hio::hstdout().unwrap();
let mut logger = Logger { hstdout };
let _ = log!(logger, "Hello, world!");
let _ = log!(logger, "Goodbye");
loop {}
Don't forget to update the Cargo.toml
file to depend on the new log
$ tail -n4 Cargo.toml
cortex-m-semihosting = "0.3.1"
log = { path = "../log" }
rt = { path = "../rt" }
$ cargo run | xxd -p
$ cargo objdump --bin app -- -t | grep '\.log'
00000001 g O .log 00000001 Goodbye
00000000 g O .log 00000001 Hello, world!
Same output as before!
Bonus: Multiple log levels
Many logging frameworks provide ways to log messages at different log levels. These log levels convey the severity of the message: "this is an error", "this is just a warning", etc. These log levels can be used to filter out unimportant messages when searching for e.g. error messages.
We can extend our logging library to support log levels without increasing its footprint. Here's how we'll do that:
We have a flat address space for the messages: from 0
to 255
(inclusive). To
keep things simple let's say we only want to differentiate between error
messages and warning messages. We can place all the error messages at the
beginning of the address space, and all the warning messages after the error
messages. If the decoder knows the address of the first warning message then it
can classify the messages. This idea can be extended to support more than two
log levels.
Let's test the idea by replacing the log
macro with two new macros: error!
and warn!
$ cat ../log/src/
We distinguish errors from warnings by placing the messages in different link sections.
The next thing we have to do is update the linker script to place error messages before the warning messages.
$ cat ../log/log.x
.log 0 (INFO) : {
__log_warning_start__ = .;
We also give a name, __log_warning_start__
, to the boundary between the errors
and the warnings. The address of this symbol will be the address of the first
warning message.
We can now update the application to make use of these new macros.
$ cat src/
use cortex_m_semihosting::{
hio::{self, HStdout},
use log::{error, warn, Log};
use rt::entry;
fn main() -> ! {
let hstdout = hio::hstdout().unwrap();
let mut logger = Logger { hstdout };
let _ = warn!(logger, "Hello, world!"); // <- CHANGED!
let _ = error!(logger, "Goodbye"); // <- CHANGED!
loop {}
struct Logger {
hstdout: HStdout,
impl Log for Logger {
type Error = ();
fn log(&mut self, address: u8) -> Result<(), ()> {
The output won't change much:
$ cargo run | xxd -p
We still get two bytes in the output but the error is given the address 0 and the warning is given the address 1 even though the warning was logged first.
Now look at the symbol table.
$ cargo objdump --bin app -- -t | grep '\.log'
00000000 g O .log 00000001 Goodbye
00000001 g O .log 00000001 Hello, world!
00000001 g .log 00000000 __log_warning_start__
There's now an extra symbol, __log_warning_start__
, in the .log
The address of this symbol is the address of the first warning message.
Symbols with addresses lower than this value are errors, and the rest of symbols
are warnings.
With an appropriate decoder you could get the following human readable output from all this information:
WARNING Hello, world!
ERROR Goodbye
If you liked this section check out the stlog
logging framework which is a
complete implementation of this idea.
Global singletons
In this section we'll cover how to implement a global, shared singleton. The embedded Rust book covered local, owned singletons which are pretty much unique to Rust. Global singletons are essentially the singleton pattern you see in C and C++; they are not specific to embedded development but since they involve symbols they seemed a good fit for the embedonomicon.
TODO(resources team) link "the embedded Rust book" to the singletons section when it's up
To illustrate this section we'll extend the logger we developed in the last
section to support global logging. The result will be very similar to the
feature covered in the embedded Rust book.
TODO(resources team) link
to the collections chapter of the book when it's in a more stable location.
Here's the summary of what we want to:
In the last section we created a log!
macro to log messages through a specific
logger, a value that implements the Log
trait. The syntax of the log!
is log!(logger, "String")
. We want to extend the macro such that
also works. Using the logger
-less version should log the
message through a global logger; this is how std::println!
works. We'll also
need a mechanism to declare what the global logger is; this is the part that's
similar to #[global_allocator]
It could be that the global logger is declared in the top crate and it could also be that the type of the global logger is defined in the top crate. In this scenario the dependencies can not know the exact type of the global logger. To support this scenario we'll need some indirection.
Instead of hardcoding the type of the global logger in the log
crate we'll
declare only the interface of the global logger in that crate. That is we'll
add a new trait, GlobalLog
, to the log
crate. The log!
macro will also
have to make use of that trait.
$ cat ../log/src/
There's quite a bit to unpack here.
Let's start with the trait.
Both GlobalLog
and Log
have a log
method. The difference is that
takes a shared reference to the receiver (&self
). This is
necessary because the global logger will be a static
variable. More on that
The other difference is that GlobalLog.log
doesn't return a Result
. This
means that it can not report errors to the caller. This is not a strict
requirement for traits used to implement global singletons. Error handling in
global singletons is fine but then all users of the global version of the log!
macro have to agree on the error type. Here we are simplifying the interface a
bit by having the GlobalLog
implementer deal with the errors.
Yet another difference is that GlobalLog
requires that the implementer is
, that is that it can be shared between threads. This is a requirement for
values placed in static
variables; their types must implement the Sync
At this point it may not be entirely clear why the interface has to look this way. The other parts of the crate will make this clearer so keep reading.
Next up is the log!
When called without a specific $logger
the macros uses an extern
variable called LOGGER
to log the message. This variable is the global
logger that's defined somewhere else; that's why we use the extern
block. We
saw this pattern in the main interface chapter.
We need to declare a type for LOGGER
or the code won't type check. We don't
know the concrete type of LOGGER
at this point but we know, or rather require,
that it implements the GlobalLog
trait so we can use a trait object here.
The rest of the macro expansion looks very similar to the expansion of the local
version of the log!
macro so I won't explain it here as it's explained in the
previous chapter.
Now that we know that LOGGER
has to be a trait object it's clearer why we
omitted the associated Error
type in GlobalLog
. If we had not omitted then
we would have need to pick a type for Error
in the type signature of LOGGER
This is what I earlier meant by "all users of log!
would need to agree on the
error type".
Now the final piece: the global_logger!
macro. It could have been a proc macro
attribute but it's easier to write a macro_rules!
This macro creates the LOGGER
variable that log!
uses. Because we need a
stable ABI interface we use the no_mangle
attribute. This way the symbol name
will be "LOGGER" which is what the log!
macro expects.
The other important bit is that the type of this static variable must exactly
match the type used in the expansion of the log!
macro. If they don't match
Bad Stuff will happen due to ABI mismatch.
Let's write an example that uses this new global logger functionality.
$ cat src/
use cortex_m::interrupt;
use cortex_m_semihosting::{
hio::{self, HStdout},
use log::{global_logger, log, GlobalLog};
use rt::entry;
struct Logger;
fn main() -> ! {
log!("Hello, world!");
loop {}
impl GlobalLog for Logger {
fn log(&self, address: u8) {
// we use a critical section (`interrupt::free`) to make the access to the
// `static mut` variable interrupt safe which is required for memory safety
interrupt::free(|_| unsafe {
static mut HSTDOUT: Option<HStdout> = None;
// lazy initialization
if HSTDOUT.is_none() {
HSTDOUT = Some(hio::hstdout()?);
let hstdout = HSTDOUT.as_mut().unwrap();
}).ok(); // `.ok()` = ignore errors
TODO(resources team) use
instead of astatic mut
variable whenconst fn
is stabilized.
We had to add cortex-m
to the dependencies.
$ tail -n5 Cargo.toml
cortex-m = "0.5.7"
cortex-m-semihosting = "0.3.1"
log = { path = "../log" }
rt = { path = "../rt" }
This is a port of one of the examples written in the previous section. The output is the same as what we got back there.
$ cargo run | xxd -p
$ cargo objdump --bin app -- -t | grep '\.log'
00000001 g O .log 00000001 Goodbye
00000000 g O .log 00000001 Hello, world!
Some readers may be concerned about this implementation of global singletons not being zero cost because it uses trait objects which involve dynamic dispatch, that is method calls are performed through a vtable lookup.
However, it appears that LLVM is smart enough to eliminate the dynamic dispatch
when compiling with optimizations / LTO. This can be confirmed by searching for
in the symbol table.
$ cargo objdump --bin app --release -- -t | grep LOGGER
If the static
is missing that means that there is no vtable and that LLVM was
capable of transforming all the LOGGER.log
calls into Logger.log
Direct Memory Access (DMA)
This section covers the core requirements for building a memory safe API around DMA transfers.
The DMA peripheral is used to perform memory transfers in parallel to the work
of the processor (the execution of the main program). A DMA transfer is more or
less equivalent to spawning a thread (see thread::spawn
) to do a memcpy
We'll use the fork-join model to illustrate the requirements of a memory safe
Consider the following DMA primitives:
Assume that the Dma1Channel1
is statically configured to work with serial port
(AKA UART or USART) #1, Serial1
, in one-shot mode (i.e. not circular mode).
provides the following blocking API:
Let's say we want to extend Serial1
API to (a) asynchronously send out a
buffer and (b) asynchronously fill a buffer.
We'll start with a memory unsafe API and we'll iterate on it until it's completely memory safe. On each step we'll show you how the API can be broken to make you aware of the issues that need to be addressed when dealing with asynchronous memory operations.
A first stab
For starters, let's try to use the Write::write_all
API as a reference. To
keep things simple let's ignore all error handling.
could expose a futures or generator based API instead of the API shown above. That's an API design question that has little bearing on the memory safety of the overall API so we won't delve into it in this text.
We can also implement an asynchronous version of Read::read_exact
Here's how to use the write_all
And here's an example of using the read_exact
is a safe API. If our API is truly safe then we should be able
to use both together without running into undefined behavior. However, that's
not the case; consider the following example:
Here we start a DMA transfer, in start
, to fill an array allocated on the
stack and then mem::forget
the returned Transfer
value. Then we proceed to
return from start
and execute the function bar
This series of operations results in undefined behavior. The DMA transfer writes
to stack memory but that memory is released when start
returns and then reused
by bar
to allocate variables like x
and y
. At runtime this could result in
variables x
and y
changing their value at random times. The DMA transfer
could also overwrite the state (e.g. link register) pushed onto the stack by the
prologue of function bar
Note that if we had not use mem::forget
, but mem::drop
, it would have been
possible to make Transfer
's destructor stop the DMA transfer and then the
program would have been safe. But one can not rely on destructors running to
enforce memory safety because mem::forget
and memory leaks (see RC cycles) are
safe in Rust.
We can fix this particular problem by changing the lifetime of the buffer from
to 'static
in both APIs.
If we try to replicate the previous problem we note that mem::forget
no longer
causes problems.
As before, the DMA transfer continues after mem::forget
-ing the Transfer
value. This time that's not an issue because buf
is statically allocated
(e.g. static mut
variable) and not on the stack.
Overlapping use
Our API doesn't prevent the user from using the Serial
interface while the DMA
transfer is in progress. This could lead the transfer to fail or data to be
There are several ways to prevent overlapping use. One way is to have Transfer
take ownership of Serial1
and return it back when wait
is called.
The move semantics statically prevent access to Serial1
while the transfer is
in progress.
There are other ways to prevent overlapping use. For example, a (Cell
) flag
that indicates whether a DMA transfer is in progress could be added to
. When the flag is set read
, write
, read_exact
and write_all
would all return an error (e.g. Error::InUse
) at runtime. The flag would be
set when write_all
/ read_exact
is used and cleared in Transfer.wait
Compiler (mis)optimizations
The compiler is free to re-order and merge non-volatile memory operations to better optimize a program. With our current API, this freedom can lead to undefined behavior. Consider the following example:
Here the compiler is free to move buf.reverse()
before t.wait()
, which would
result in a data race: both the processor and the DMA would end up modifying
at the same time. Similarly the compiler can move the zeroing operation to
after read_exact
, which would also result in a data race.
To prevent these problematic reorderings we can use a compiler_fence
We use Ordering::Release
in read_exact
and write_all
to prevent all
preceding memory operations from being moved after self.dma.start()
, which
performs a volatile write.
Likewise, we use Ordering::Acquire
in Transfer.wait
to prevent all
subsequent memory operations from being moved before self.is_done()
, which
performs a volatile read.
To better visualize the effect of the fences here's a slightly tweaked version of the example from the previous section. We have added the fences and their orderings in the comments.
The zeroing operation can not be moved after read_exact
due to the
fence. Similarly, the reverse
operation can not be moved before
due to the Acquire
fence. The memory operations between both fences
can be freely reordered across the fences but none of those operations
involves buf
so such reorderings do not result in undefined behavior.
Note that compiler_fence
is a bit stronger than what's required. For example,
the fences will prevent the operations on x
from being merged even though we
know that buf
doesn't overlap with x
(due to Rust aliasing rules). However,
there exist no intrinsic that's more fine grained than compiler_fence
Don't we need a memory barrier?
That depends on the target architecture. In the case of Cortex M0 to M4F cores, AN321 says:
3.2 Typical usages
The use of DMB is rarely needed in Cortex-M processors because they do not reorder memory transactions. However, it is needed if the software is to be reused on other ARM processors, especially multi-master systems. For example:
- DMA controller configuration. A barrier is required between a CPU memory access and a DMA operation.
4.18 Multi-master systems
Omitting the DMB or DSB instruction in the examples in Figure 41 on page 47 and Figure 42 would not cause any error because the Cortex-M processors:
- do not re-order memory transfers
- do not permit two write transfers to be overlapped.
Where Figure 41 shows a DMB (memory barrier) instruction being used before starting a DMA transaction.
In the case of Cortex-M7 cores you'll need memory barriers (DMB/DSB) if you are using the data cache (DCache), unless you manually invalidate the buffer used by the DMA. Even with the data cache disabled, memory barriers might still be required to avoid reordering in the store buffer.
If your target is a multi-core system then it's very likely that you'll need memory barriers.
If you do need the memory barrier then you need to use atomic::fence
of compiler_fence
. That should generate a DMB instruction on Cortex-M devices.
Generic buffer
Our API is more restrictive that it needs to be. For example, the following program won't be accepted even though it's valid.
To accept such program we can make the buffer argument generic.
) could have been used instead ofAsSlice<Element = u8>
(AsMutSlice<Element = u8
Now the reuse
program will be accepted.
Immovable buffers
With this modification the API will also accept arrays by value (e.g. [u8; 16]
). However, using arrays can result in pointer invalidation. Consider the
following program.
The read_exact
operation will use the address of the buffer
local to the
function. That local buffer
will be freed when start
returns and the
pointer used in read_exact
will become invalidated. You'll end up with a
situation similar to the unsound
To avoid this problem we require that the buffer used with our API retains its
memory location even when it's moved. The Pin
newtype provides such
guarantee. We can update our API to required that all buffers are "pinned"
NOTE: To compile all the programs below this point you'll need Rust
. As of time of writing (2019-01-04) that means using the nightly channel.
NOTE: We could have used the
trait instead of thePin
newtype but opted forPin
since it's provided in the standard library.
With this new API we can use &'static mut
references, Box
-ed slices, Rc
slices, etc.
Does pinning let us safely use stack allocated arrays? The answer is no. Consider the following example.
As seen many times before, the above program runs into undefined behavior due to stack frame corruption.
The API is unsound for buffers of type Pin<&'a mut [u8]>
where 'a
is not
. To prevent the problem we have to add a 'static
bound in some
Now the problematic program will be rejected.
Now that the API accepts Box
-es and other types that have destructors we need
to decide what to do when Transfer
is early-dropped.
Normally, Transfer
values are consumed using the wait
method but it's also
possible to, implicitly or explicitly, drop
the value before the transfer is
over. For example, dropping a Transfer<Box<[u8]>>
value will cause the buffer
to be deallocated. This can result in undefined behavior if the transfer is
still in progress as the DMA would end up writing to deallocated memory.
In such scenario one option is to make Transfer.drop
stop the DMA transfer.
The other option is to make Transfer.drop
wait for the transfer to finish.
We'll pick the former option as it's cheaper.
Now the DMA transfer will be stopped before the buffer is deallocated.
To sum it up, we need to consider all the following points to achieve memory safe DMA transfers:
Use immovable buffers plus indirection:
. Alternatively, you can use theStableDeref
trait. -
The ownership of the buffer must be passed to the DMA :
B: 'static
. -
Do not rely on destructors running for memory safety. Consider what happens if
is used with your API. -
Do add a custom destructor that stops the DMA transfer, or waits for it to finish. Consider what happens if
is used with your API.
This text leaves out up several details required to build a production grade
DMA abstraction, like configuring the DMA channels (e.g. streams, circular vs
one-shot mode, etc.), alignment of buffers, error handling, how to make the
abstraction device-agnostic, etc. All those aspects are left as an exercise for
the reader / community (:P
A note on compiler support
This book makes use of a built-in compiler target, the thumbv7m-none-eabi
, for which the Rust
team distributes a rust-std
component, which is a pre-compiled collection of crates like core
and std
If you want to attempt replicating the contents of this book for a different target architecture, you need to take into account the different levels of support that Rust provides for (compilation) targets.
LLVM support
As of Rust 1.28, the official Rust compiler, rustc
, uses LLVM for (machine) code generation. The
minimal level of support Rust provides for an architecture is having its LLVM backend enabled in
. You can see all the architectures that rustc
supports, through LLVM, by running the
following command:
$ # you need to have `cargo-binutils` installed to run this command
$ cargo objdump -- -version
LLVM version 7.0.0svn
Optimized build.
Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Host CPU: skylake
Registered Targets:
aarch64 - AArch64 (little endian)
aarch64_be - AArch64 (big endian)
arm - ARM
arm64 - ARM64 (little endian)
armeb - ARM (big endian)
hexagon - Hexagon
mips - Mips
mips64 - Mips64 [experimental]
mips64el - Mips64el [experimental]
mipsel - Mipsel
msp430 - MSP430 [experimental]
nvptx - NVIDIA PTX 32-bit
nvptx64 - NVIDIA PTX 64-bit
ppc32 - PowerPC 32
ppc64 - PowerPC 64
ppc64le - PowerPC 64 LE
sparc - Sparc
sparcel - Sparc LE
sparcv9 - Sparc V9
systemz - SystemZ
thumb - Thumb
thumbeb - Thumb (big endian)
wasm32 - WebAssembly 32-bit
wasm64 - WebAssembly 64-bit
x86 - 32-bit X86: Pentium-Pro and above
x86-64 - 64-bit X86: EM64T and AMD64
If LLVM supports the architecture you are interested in, but rustc
is built with the backend
disabled (which is the case of AVR as of Rust 1.28), then you will need to modify the Rust source
enabling it. The first two commits of PR rust-lang/rust#52787 give you an idea of the required
On the other hand, if LLVM doesn't support the architecture, but a fork of LLVM does, you will have
to replace the original version of LLVM with the fork before building rustc
. The Rust build system
allows this and in principle it should just require changing the llvm
submodule to point to the
If your target architecture is only supported by some vendor provided GCC, you have the option of
using mrustc
, an unofficial Rust compiler, to translate your Rust program into C code and then
compile that using GCC.
Built-in target
A compilation target is more than just its architecture. Each target has a specification associated to it that describes, among other things, its architecture, its operating system and the default linker.
The Rust compiler knows about several targets. These are built into the compiler and can be listed by running the following command:
$ rustc --print target-list | column
aarch64-fuchsia mipsisa32r6el-unknown-linux-gnu
aarch64-linux-android mipsisa64r6-unknown-linux-gnuabi64
aarch64-pc-windows-msvc mipsisa64r6el-unknown-linux-gnuabi64
aarch64-unknown-cloudabi msp430-none-elf
aarch64-unknown-freebsd nvptx64-nvidia-cuda
aarch64-unknown-hermit powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu
aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu powerpc-unknown-linux-gnuspe
aarch64-unknown-linux-musl powerpc-unknown-linux-musl
aarch64-unknown-netbsd powerpc-unknown-netbsd
aarch64-unknown-none powerpc-wrs-vxworks
aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat powerpc-wrs-vxworks-spe
aarch64-unknown-openbsd powerpc64-unknown-freebsd
aarch64-unknown-redox powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu
aarch64-uwp-windows-msvc powerpc64-unknown-linux-musl
aarch64-wrs-vxworks powerpc64-wrs-vxworks
arm-linux-androideabi powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi powerpc64le-unknown-linux-musl
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf riscv32i-unknown-none-elf
arm-unknown-linux-musleabi riscv32imac-unknown-none-elf
arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf
armebv7r-none-eabi riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu
armebv7r-none-eabihf riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf
armv4t-unknown-linux-gnueabi riscv64imac-unknown-none-elf
armv5te-unknown-linux-gnueabi s390x-unknown-linux-gnu
armv5te-unknown-linux-musleabi sparc-unknown-linux-gnu
armv6-unknown-freebsd sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu
armv6-unknown-netbsd-eabihf sparc64-unknown-netbsd
armv7-linux-androideabi sparc64-unknown-openbsd
armv7-unknown-cloudabi-eabihf sparcv9-sun-solaris
armv7-unknown-freebsd thumbv6m-none-eabi
armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi thumbv7a-pc-windows-msvc
armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf thumbv7em-none-eabi
armv7-unknown-linux-musleabi thumbv7em-none-eabihf
armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf thumbv7m-none-eabi
armv7-unknown-netbsd-eabihf thumbv7neon-linux-androideabi
armv7-wrs-vxworks-eabihf thumbv7neon-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
armv7a-none-eabi thumbv7neon-unknown-linux-musleabihf
armv7a-none-eabihf thumbv8m.base-none-eabi
armv7r-none-eabi thumbv8m.main-none-eabi
armv7r-none-eabihf thumbv8m.main-none-eabihf
asmjs-unknown-emscripten wasm32-unknown-emscripten
hexagon-unknown-linux-musl wasm32-unknown-unknown
i586-pc-windows-msvc wasm32-wasi
i586-unknown-linux-gnu x86_64-apple-darwin
i586-unknown-linux-musl x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx
i686-apple-darwin x86_64-fuchsia
i686-linux-android x86_64-linux-android
i686-pc-windows-gnu x86_64-linux-kernel
i686-pc-windows-msvc x86_64-pc-solaris
i686-unknown-cloudabi x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
i686-unknown-freebsd x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
i686-unknown-haiku x86_64-rumprun-netbsd
i686-unknown-linux-gnu x86_64-sun-solaris
i686-unknown-linux-musl x86_64-unknown-cloudabi
i686-unknown-netbsd x86_64-unknown-dragonfly
i686-unknown-openbsd x86_64-unknown-freebsd
i686-unknown-uefi x86_64-unknown-haiku
i686-uwp-windows-gnu x86_64-unknown-hermit
i686-uwp-windows-msvc x86_64-unknown-hermit-kernel
i686-wrs-vxworks x86_64-unknown-illumos
mips-unknown-linux-gnu x86_64-unknown-l4re-uclibc
mips-unknown-linux-musl x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
mips-unknown-linux-uclibc x86_64-unknown-linux-gnux32
mips64-unknown-linux-gnuabi64 x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
mips64-unknown-linux-muslabi64 x86_64-unknown-netbsd
mips64el-unknown-linux-gnuabi64 x86_64-unknown-openbsd
mips64el-unknown-linux-muslabi64 x86_64-unknown-redox
mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu x86_64-unknown-uefi
mipsel-unknown-linux-musl x86_64-uwp-windows-gnu
mipsel-unknown-linux-uclibc x86_64-uwp-windows-msvc
mipsisa32r6-unknown-linux-gnu x86_64-wrs-vxworks
You can print the specification of one of these targets using the following command:
$ rustc +nightly -Z unstable-options --print target-spec-json --target thumbv7m-none-eabi
"abi-blacklist": [
"arch": "arm",
"data-layout": "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-v128:64:128-a:0:32-n32-S64",
"emit-debug-gdb-scripts": false,
"env": "",
"executables": true,
"is-builtin": true,
"linker": "arm-none-eabi-gcc",
"linker-flavor": "gcc",
"llvm-target": "thumbv7m-none-eabi",
"max-atomic-width": 32,
"os": "none",
"panic-strategy": "abort",
"relocation-model": "static",
"target-c-int-width": "32",
"target-endian": "little",
"target-pointer-width": "32",
"vendor": ""
If none of these built-in targets seems appropriate for your target system, you'll have to create a custom target by writing your own target specification file in JSON format which is described in the next section.
For some of the built-in target the Rust team distributes rust-std
components via rustup
. This
component is a collection of pre-compiled crates like core
and std
, and it's required for cross
You can find the list of targets that have a rust-std
component available via rustup
by running
the following command:
$ rustup target list | column
aarch64-apple-ios mipsel-unknown-linux-musl
aarch64-fuchsia nvptx64-nvidia-cuda
aarch64-linux-android powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu
aarch64-pc-windows-msvc powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu
aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu
aarch64-unknown-linux-musl riscv32i-unknown-none-elf
aarch64-unknown-none riscv32imac-unknown-none-elf
aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf
arm-linux-androideabi riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf riscv64imac-unknown-none-elf
arm-unknown-linux-musleabi s390x-unknown-linux-gnu
arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu
armebv7r-none-eabi sparcv9-sun-solaris
armebv7r-none-eabihf thumbv6m-none-eabi
armv5te-unknown-linux-gnueabi thumbv7em-none-eabi
armv5te-unknown-linux-musleabi thumbv7em-none-eabihf
armv7-linux-androideabi thumbv7m-none-eabi
armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi thumbv7neon-linux-androideabi
armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf thumbv7neon-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
armv7-unknown-linux-musleabi thumbv8m.base-none-eabi
armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf thumbv8m.main-none-eabi
armv7a-none-eabi thumbv8m.main-none-eabihf
armv7r-none-eabi wasm32-unknown-emscripten
armv7r-none-eabihf wasm32-unknown-unknown
asmjs-unknown-emscripten wasm32-wasi
i586-pc-windows-msvc x86_64-apple-darwin
i586-unknown-linux-gnu x86_64-apple-ios
i586-unknown-linux-musl x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx
i686-linux-android x86_64-fuchsia
i686-pc-windows-gnu x86_64-linux-android
i686-pc-windows-msvc x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
i686-unknown-freebsd x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
i686-unknown-linux-gnu x86_64-rumprun-netbsd
i686-unknown-linux-musl x86_64-sun-solaris
mips-unknown-linux-gnu x86_64-unknown-cloudabi
mips-unknown-linux-musl x86_64-unknown-freebsd
mips64-unknown-linux-gnuabi64 x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
mips64-unknown-linux-muslabi64 x86_64-unknown-linux-gnux32
mips64el-unknown-linux-gnuabi64 x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
mips64el-unknown-linux-muslabi64 x86_64-unknown-netbsd
mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu x86_64-unknown-redox
If there's no rust-std
component for your target, or you are using a custom target, then you'll
have to use a nightly toolchain to build the standard library. See the next page about building for
custom targets.
Creating a custom target
If a custom target triple is not available for your platform, you must create a custom target file that describes your target to rustc.
Keep in mind that it is required to use a nightly compiler to build the core library, which must be done for a target unknown to rustc.
Deciding on a target triple
Many targets already have a known triple used to describe them, typically in the form ARCH-VENDOR-SYS-ABI. You should aim to use the same triple that LLVM uses; however, it may differ if you need to specify additional information to Rust that LLVM does not know about. Although the triple is technically only for human use, it's important for it to be unique and descriptive especially if the target will be upstreamed in the future.
The ARCH part is typically just the architecture name, except in the case of 32-bit ARM. For
example, you would probably use x86_64 for those processors, but specify the exact ARM architecture
version. Typical values might be armv7
, armv5te
, or thumbv7neon
. Take a look at the names of
the built-in targets for inspiration.
The VENDOR part is optional and describes the manufacturer. Omitting this field is the same as
using unknown
The SYS part describes the OS that is used. Typical values include win32
, linux
, and darwin
for desktop platforms. none
is used for bare-metal usage.
The ABI part describes how the process starts up. eabi
is used for bare metal, while gnu
is used
for glibc, musl
for musl, etc.
Now that you have a target triple, create a file with the name of the triple and a .json
extension. For example, a file describing armv7a-none-eabi
would have the filename
Fill the target file
The target file must be valid JSON. There are two places where its contents are described:
, where every field is mandatory, and TargetOptions
, where every field is optional.
All underscores are replaced with hyphens.
The recommended way is to base your target file on the specification of a built-in target that's
similar to your target system, then tweak it to match the properties of your target system. To do
so, use the command
rustc +nightly -Z unstable-options --print target-spec-json --target $SOME_SIMILAR_TARGET
, using
a target that's already built into the compiler.
You can pretty much copy that output into your file. Start with a few modifications:
- Remove
"is-builtin": true
- Fill
with the triple that LLVM expects - Decide on a panicking strategy. A bare metal implementation will likely use
"panic-strategy": "abort"
. If you decide not toabort
on panicking, unless you tell Cargo to per-project, you must define an eh_personality function. - Configure atomics. Pick the first option that describes your target:
- I have a single-core processor, no threads, no interrupts, or any way for
multiple things to be happening in parallel: if you are sure that is the case, such as WASM
(for now), you may set
"singlethread": true
. This will configure LLVM to convert all atomic operations to use their single threaded counterparts. Incorrectly using this option may result in UB if using threads or interrupts. - I have native atomic operations: set
to the biggest type in bits that your target can operate on atomically. For example, many ARM cores have 32-bit atomic operations. You may set"max-atomic-width": 32
in that case. - I have no native atomic operations, but I can emulate them myself: set
to the highest number of bits that you can emulate up to 128, then implement all of the atomic and sync functions expected by LLVM as#[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C"
. These functions have been standardized by gcc, so the gcc documentation may have more notes. Missing functions will cause a linker error, while incorrectly implemented functions will possibly cause UB. For example, if you have a single-core, single-thread processor with interrupts, you can implement these functions to disable interrupts, perform the regular operation, and then re-enable them. - I have no native atomic operations: you'll have to do some unsafe work to manually ensure
synchronization in your code. You must set
"max-atomic-width": 0
- I have a single-core processor, no threads, no interrupts, or any way for
multiple things to be happening in parallel: if you are sure that is the case, such as WASM
(for now), you may set
- Change the linker if integrating with an existing toolchain. For example, if you're using a
toolchain that uses a custom build of gcc, set
"linker-flavor": "gcc"
to the command name of your linker. If you require additional linker arguments, usepre-link-args
as so:
Ensure that the linker type is the key within"pre-link-args": { "gcc": [ "-Wl,--as-needed", "-Wl,-z,noexecstack", "-m64" ] }, "post-link-args": { "gcc": [ "-Wl,--allow-multiple-definition", "-Wl,--start-group,-lc,-lm,-lgcc,-lstdc++,-lsupc++,--end-group" ] }
. - Configure LLVM features. Run
llc -march=ARCH -mattr=help
where ARCH is the base architecture (not including the version in the case of ARM) to list the available features and their descriptions. If your target requires strict memory alignment access (e.g.armv5te
), make sure that you enablestrict-align
. To enable a feature, place a plus before it. Likewise, to disable a feature, place a minus before it. Features should be comma separated like so:"features": "+soft-float,+neon
. Note that this may not be necessary if LLVM knows enough about your target based on the provided triple and CPU. - Configure the CPU that LLVM uses if you know it. This will enable CPU-specific optimizations and
features. At the top of the output of the command in the last step, there is a list of known CPUs.
If you know that you will be targeting a specific CPU, you may set it in the
field in the JSON target file.
Use the target file
Once you have a target specification file, you may refer to it by its path or by its name (i.e.
excluding .json
) if it is in the current directory or in $RUST_TARGET_PATH
Verify that it is readable by rustc:
❱ rustc --print cfg --target foo.json # or just foo if in the current directory
Now, you finally get to use it! Many resources have been recommending xargo
or cargo-xbuild
However, its successor, cargo's build-std
feature, has received a lot of work recently and has
quickly reached feature parity with the other options. As such, this guide will only cover that
Start with a bare minimum no_std
program. Now, run
cargo build -Z build-std=core --target foo.json
, again using the above rules about referencing the
path. Hopefully, you should now have a binary in the target directory.
You may optionally configure cargo to always use your target. See the recommendations at the end of
the page about the smallest no_std
program. However, you'll currently have to
use the flag -Z build-std=core
as that option is unstable.
Build additional built-in crates
When using cargo's build-std
feature, you can choose which crates to compile in. By default, when
only passing -Z build-std
, std
, core
, and alloc
are compiled. However, you may want to
exclude std
when compiling for bare-metal. To do so, specify the crated you'd like after
. For example, to include core
and alloc
, pass -Z build-std=core,alloc
language item required, but not found: eh_personality
Either add "panic-strategy": "abort"
to your target file, or define an eh_personality function.
Alternatively, tell Cargo to ignore it.
undefined reference to __sync_val_compare_and_swap_#
Rust thinks that your target has atomic instructions, but LLVM doesn't. Go back to the step about
configuring atomics. You will need to reduce the number in max-atomic-width
See #58500 for more details.
could not find sync
in alloc
Similar to the above case, Rust doesn't think that you have atomics. You must implement them yourself or tell Rust that you have atomic instructions.
multiple definition of __(something)
You're likely linking your Rust program with code built from another language, and the other language includes compiler built-ins that Rust also creates. To fix this, you'll need to tell your linker to allow multiple definitions. If using gcc, you may add:
"post-link-args": {
"gcc": [
error adding symbols: file format not recognized
Switch to cargo's build-std
feature and update your compiler. This was a bug introduced
for a few compiler builds that tried to pass in internal Rust object to an external linker.